Are WI Well?

An inquiry into if and how UW-Madison stays healthy

A Note from the Editor


Wellness is more than a state of being, it is a goal to be strived for via multiple avenues. Maintaining a healthy mind, body and spirit requires specialized attention dedicated to each category. And at the University of Wisconsin and in Madison at large, difficult questions regarding student wellness permeate. 

Our website takes a deep dive into a general, yet central consideration: are we well?

From investigating the collaborative financial efforts between student government and University Health Services to sharing the experiences of international students and mental health resources, our reporters tackled this question from a multitude of angles. At AreWIWell, we’ve investigated the resources, practices and patterns connected to student wellness. 

We urge you to grapple with this question alongside our reporters who’ve highlighted the strengths and shortcomings of institutional resources, who’ve created interactive and engaging content to tackle topics through new lenses, and who’ve written the stories to better help better understand wellness.


Lucas Johnson, Editor